Intraoperative Registration by Cross-Modal Inverse Neural Rendering

Maximilian Fehrentz1,2, Mohammad Farid Azampour2, Reuben Dorent1, Hassan Rasheed1,2, Colin Galvin1, Alexandra Golby1, William M. Wells1,3, Sarah Frisken1, Nassir Navab2, Nazim Haouchine1
1Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA
2Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
3Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

Overview of our method. For a given intraoperative target image, we estimate the camera pose that aligns our stylized NeRF with the intraoperative image, thereby registering the preoperative scan to the intraoperative image.


We present in this paper a novel approach for 3D/2D intraoperative registration during neurosurgery via cross-modal inverse neural rendering. Our approach separates implicit neural representation into two components, handling anatomical structure preoperatively and appearance intraoperatively. This disentanglement is achieved by controlling a Neural Radiance Field’s appearance with a multi-style hypernetwork. Once trained, the implicit neural representation serves as a differentiable rendering engine, which can be used to estimate the surgical camera pose by minimizing the dissimilarity between its rendered images and the target intraoperative image. We tested our method on retrospective patients’ data from clinical cases, showing that our method outperforms state-of-the-art while meeting current clinical standards for registration.

Pipeline Overview

Left (preoperative): We use a NeRF to first learn density/anatomy (orange) from a mesh M extracted from an MR scan, then learn single-shot style adaptation (blue) through a hypernetwork h while freezing the rest of the NeRF, keeping the previously learned density fixed. Right (intraoperative): Iterative pose estimation on target I. The trained NeRF and hypernet (green highlights) are used as style-conditioned neural rendering engine using ray casting, with f adapted to the appearance of the intraoperative registration target I through the hypernetwork h.


Our method renders novel views with varying appearances while keeping a fixed anatomical structure. Given that our NeRF is created from and registered to a preoperative scan, we can render novel views with intraoperative appearance and relate it back to the preoperative volume.

Switching styles on the fly with our hypernet-controlled NeRF.

Synthesis on one of the clinical cases using our method. Background: mesh of preoperative scan. Overlay: rendered image from our method.

Synthesis with our hypernet-controlled NeRF on different styles.


Using the NeRF, conditioned on the intraoperative image via the hypernet, we perform registration.

Registration on one of the clinical cases using our method.

Registration of all clinical cases. Background: intraoperative image from surgical microscope. Overlay: rendered image from our method.

Registration of all clinical cases. Background: intraoperative image from surgical microscope. Overlay: Vessel outlines as observed from estimated pose.